All proceeds will support
Food4Kids Guelph

Brought to you by The Rotary Club of Guelph-Wellington and The Letter M


All proceeds will go to Food4Kids Guelph


No Child in Our Community Should Go Hungry

Food4Kids aims to close the weekend gap by providing food to children whose families are struggling to make ends meet.

Most Guelph children can get some food at school, Monday to Friday, but many children go home to empty cupboards and fridges on weekends. Our mission is to provide healthy food bags for those kids to take home at the end of the school week, closing the weekend gap for them.



Together, We're Better

“It takes a village to raise a child” is a phrase often used to describe community
members coming together to ensure children are provided with basic human needs.
Food4Kids Guelph is mobilizing the entire community to help close the weekend food gap for hungry children.
We could not do this without our amazing volunteers who purchase, pack and deliver food every school week. Funds raised from the Duck Race will help us do that.

For more information go to

PLEASE CALL: 1-866-531-2600